How to manage change

2021-01-13T13:18:43+02:00August 26th, 2016|Categories: Coping with Adversity, Everyday Spirituality|Tags: , , , , |

I don’t know about you, but change is not my favourite thing. I think we all have some resistance to change, especially if it is unforeseen change. I think it’s a vulnerability thing. We see ourselves as vulnerable when there is change in and around our lives and we feel it puts us at risk [...]

When your dreams no longer feel valid

2021-01-14T13:55:13+02:00September 29th, 2014|Categories: Personal Vocation|Tags: , , , , |

A year ago none of your friends knew her name. Then at the 2014 Oscar’s, Lupita Nyong'o accepted an Oscar for best supporting actress in a blue gown that any little girl, who ever dreamed of being a princess, would have loved to have worn. Born in Mexico while her Kenyan father was teaching there, [...]


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